This week I chat to the lovely Kristen Hubert, founder of the wonderful, Edinburgh-based Nested Fox Milestone Cards & Teething Mitts. I first met Kristen through becoming a member of the Mama Tribe group which is an amazing platform for mums/women across the UK to connect. At first sight of her beautiful products I knew they would be an instant hit with my customers and I wasn't wrong and the fact that she is a local business is just the cherry on top. Here's her story...
1) How did your business come about? It was a combination of getting frustrated that there weren't enough nice gender neutral baby gifts out there and finding that my previous employer wasn't as flexible as I had expected them to be when I had my own child and wanted to come back from maternity and work part time. 2) What advice would you give someone wanting to start their own business? Go for it. Don't sit around wishing you had tried or thinking these sorts of things are for other people to do and not you. The difference between the woman with her own business and you right now is just that that woman took a chance. Fortune favours the brave as they say. Life is too short to look back on and say 'what if'.
3) What's the best thing about being your own boss? What's the worst? The best thing is making my own hours. The worst thing is making my own hours - because it means I always seem to be working - there is no 5'oclock home time when you work from home already.
4) How has lockdown been for you? What coping mechanism works for you? Have you had to adapt your business to fit in with the 'new normal'? The hardest part funnily enough has been having my husband home all the time. He's working from home and I always did and my oldest son doesn't do is 2 days nursery that he used to do, and my youngest wasn't at nursery anyway but he's now a lot more mobile and getting in to things. So it is just a lot of people in one place all the time when the week used to be a bit more broken up. We've adapted by having my husband and I split the day for work time/looking after the kids time. It works okay but its still hard when you can hear the kids kicking up a fuss in the next room! 5) Where's your 'Happy Place'? Sewing late at night when all the kids are asleep. 6) What's your favourite song? Go Go by Alphabeat - it's great for walking with headphones and it also gets the kids dancing. 7) Who would play you in a movie? Hmmm...tough one...given that me in a movie would be a 100 more times attractive than reality me, maybe Christina Hendricks? 8) What did you want to be when you were younger? A writer. 9) What advice would you give your younger self? Stop worrying, start doing.
Thanks for taking part Kristen! xxx
Check out Nested Fox on the website at